My Story

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God on Trial

I watched "God on Trial" the other evening and I was both disturbed and inspired. Disturbed by the idea of putting God on trial and inspired by those who held faith even in the face of suffering. I was struck also by the idea of God being terrible and awesome.

Is God guilty of murder and suffering? If all things have there origin in Him then perhaps he is. There would be no sin and suffering if God had not created man with the will to choose. If God is guilty of causing suffering and death, then how could he possibly be brought to justice?

If only God himself could be brought down here among us humans and be forced to taste of our suffering. Betrayal, loneliness, suffering at the hands of cruel injustice and a painful death would be a fitting punishment for what God has done. After sharing in our suffering, God should set everything right and bring all evildoers to justice.


Bob said...

Thanks for the recommendation, I will give it a read. As you said, questioning God is no sin and I have often found myself in the place of wrestling with God. Many think of faith as never doubting or being afraid, faith is trusting in the face of fear and doubt.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put Bob.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put Bob.